Catering to individuals and independent businesses, our company provides comprehensive tax preparation and financial planning services to fit your short and long-term needs and your budget.
We can assist with tax notices, or circumvent worries of potential tax issues, unpaid taxes and returns not yet filed.
We have methods to avoid taxation, not evade. We follow the letter of the law and know your rights. We represent you with the IRS and can potentially file back state and local returns, without penalty utilizing uniform rules for many jurisdictions.
Robert L. Hesch, CPA will assist in your personal tax and planning needs as well as any business financial and tax planning, developing a cash flow and breakeven analysis to assist in determining your needs. Bob has been working with several local investmant bankers, insurance agents and local personal and business bankers. Bob has contacts at many lending institutions.
Bob can oversee your bookkeeper's work and put our expertise and experience to work for you, tailoring small business accounting services and bookkeeping packages to fit your company's needs.

Fraud loss accounts for 6% to 8% of your business. Small business owners are unable to segregate duties with few employees and absentee management is always an issue. How can your business adjust to reduce theft and shrinkage? And cash businesses require special scrutiny. Call about our Theft Exam of your company operations to prevent future losses at 513-703-9763.
Are you considering the transfer of wealth to your spouse or children? What are common vehicles to avoid loss of wealth due to sickness? Is a special needs trust right for you? Call about Succession Planning services at 513.703.9763